Berry Public School

Growing In Knowledge

Telephone02 4464 1158

2024 Shoalhaven Music Festival Choir Rehearsal at IRPS

Dear Parents,

Our Stage 2 Choir will be participating in the SHOALHAVEN MUSIC FESTIVAL this year with an evening performance to be held at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.

WHO: This excursion is only for the Stage 2 students who had previously indicated they wished to perform at the Shoalhaven Music Festival. If you are unsure or have questions, please contact your child's teacher.

WHERE: Illaroo Road Public School

WHEN:  Tuesday 30th July 2024

TIME: Depart: 9:15am   Return: 2:30pm

TRANSPORT:  Travel will be by bus

COST: $6.00 for the return bus fare

REQUIREMENTS: Full school uniform is to be worn. Students will need a packed recess and lunch. 

Yours sincerely,

Stage 2 Teachers