Supporting Students with Additional Learning Needs:
At Berry we have exceptional learning support processes that allow us to identify and provide intervention to students with Integrated Funding Support and unfunded students who require Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention.
Our identification process uses whole school assessment data, teacher observations, parent observations and Learning Support Team referrals. The Learning and Support Teacher and Classroom Teacher create Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students. These IEPs are created to specifically meet the individual learning needs of each identified student and are delivered by the Learning and Support Teacher and School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs).
Literacy Intervention:
In Kindergarten and Stage One all students participate in the InitiaLit program. This program explicitly delivers evidence-based literacy instruction to provide children with the foundational knowledge to become successful readers and writers. Stage Two students participate in the SpellEx program, which builds on the core concepts taught in K-2. SpellEx delivers an explicit spelling program that focuses on developing students’ phonological, orthographic and morphological knowledge.
Numeracy Intervention:
Kindergarten and Stage One engage in a Number Sense program that is explicitly designed to target students developing their core knowledge in the Whole Number focus area. When students are provided with a solid foundation in Whole Number it gives a base for more complicated mathematical concepts to be developed. Stage Two and Stage Three engage in Whole Number instruction as part of their regular mathematics instruction. SLSOs support the Whole Number instruction throughout all stages to provide targeted intervention to students who require additional support in mathematics.
All staff have engaged in Professional Development on providing effective differentiation for students in all Key Learning Areas. Teachers access ongoing support from the Learning Support Team to continue fostering a collaborative approach to meeting students at their level of need. Teachers are equipped with the knowledge to provide both physical and learning adjustments, and tailor learning experiences to give additional support or extension. Please see our Learning Support Team page and High Potential and Gifted Education page for further information.