Roman Catholic Team

Berry Public School Catholic Scripture Team
L to R: Mrs Lynette Burt, Mrs Virginia Roberton, Mrs Jessie Alamango, Mr Hugh Wilson, Mrs Katherine Brandon, Mr Greg Troy, Mrs Maggie McGregor
Catholic Special Religious Education (SRE) at Berry Primary School
The curriculum for our students in Catholic SRE, is based upon the course published by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Sydney and is named Christ our Light and Life. It is a course that is developmental as all stages from Kindergarten to Year 6 are linked and built on.
The Christ our Light and Life series aims to provide an environment in which young people may ‘fall in love’ with Jesus, the Good shepherd, and develop a real relationship with Him. They will discover both personal union with God and their membership of a church established by God. They will learn to become like their Saviour - in the home, in the school, in the parish and in the country and world. Christian virtue and Christian truth become the foundation for the whole of life.
The outcomes for all the courses from Kindergarten to Year 6 are: God; The Holy Trinity; Creation; The Church; Liturgical Year & The Moral Life.
For a detailed description of the curriculum please go to:
Students in all stages are issued with a Student Activity Book, which is used in the classroom. This Book as well as a Completion of Course Certificate will be presented to the children at the end of the year. In addition to the bookwork each of our teachers provide an array of teaching strategies and techniques in order to motivate and inspire our students. These may include numerous craft activities, role-plays, puzzles and dramatisations. One of our aims is to send students work home as often as possible so as parents and carers can witness the work that is being done by their children.
Stages of Catholic SRE at Berry Public School
1. Kindergarten (ES1) This course is being taught by Mrs Jessie Alamango. Mrs Alamango has been teaching Scripture in various primary and secondary schools for 40 years. For many years, Mrs Alamango has taught Yrs 5/6 at Berry Public School.
2. Stage 1 (Years 1&2) This course is being taught by Mr Greg Troy. Mr Troy taught both Junior & Senior Religious Education at St John the Evangelist High School Nowra for a period of 15 years. He has taught Scripture at Berry for 10 years and also teaches Scripture at Shoalhaven Heads Public School.
3. Stage 2 (Years 3&4) This course is being taught by Mr Hugh Wilson. Mr Wilson has taught Scripture at various schools for a total of 24 years. He also teaches Scripture at Illaroo Public School.
4. Stage 3 (Years 5&6) This course is being taught by Mrs Virginia Roberton. Mrs Roberton has recently retired after teaching English and Religious Education for many years and most recently at Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College in North Sydney since 2001. Mrs Roberton also teaches Scripture at Shoalhaven Heads Public School and Bomaderry Public School. Last year Mrs Roberton taught Kindergarten Scripture at Berry Public School.
Additional Staff
Mrs Lynette Burt has taught Religious Education in Catholic Schools for 23 years and at Berry Public School in the past. She is also an infants/primary school teacher. Mrs Burt will be available for relief and classroom support.
Mrs Katherine Brandon taught SRE for 4 years at Berry Public School many years ago. Now that she has retired, she has retrained and is available for relief and classroom support.
Mrs Maggie McGregor is new to SRE. Previously she taught Ethics at Berry Public School for 2 years. She is now available for a classroom support role.
Preparation to receive the Sacraments of the Church
Mr Troy is presently running the Catholic Sacramental Preparation Program in Berry on Tuesdays, however, there is also Sacramental preparation at the other Catholic Churches in St Michael’s Parish including at Nowra on Wednesdays. There will be written information, regarding the Sacraments given to all students in Catholic Scripture at the beginning of the year. For enquiries and to book the various Sacramental Programs please call the St Michael’s Parish Office on 44231712.
Baptism - At the time of writing it has not been verified whether Baptism preparation will take place at the local St Patrick’s Church Berry or at St Michael’s Church Nowra. If there are children or adults to be Baptised please call the St Michael’s Parish Office on 44231712. Baptism is a prerequisite to receiving all the other Sacraments.
Reconciliation is available to all children in Years 3, or older, who have been Baptised.
First Holy Communion is available to children in Year 4, and older, who have been Baptised and have made their Reconciliation.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is available to students in Year 6 who have been Baptised and have received their Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.