As described by the Department of Education of NSW, high potential students are those whose potential exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains: intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical.
Berry Public School recognises that every child is an individual when it comes to how they learn and that all children benefit from having their abilities identified and fostered.
Our school caters for the individual needs of every student. Collectively, our classroom teachers, Learning & Support Team and High Potential & Gifted Team pursue excellence for all learners. This includes students who may be identified as ‘gifted’.
At Berry Public School, students who are achieving or have the potential to achieve at levels higher than grade expectations across the four gifted domains are identified by classroom teachers. We then offer these students opportunities to work with like-minded peers, or to be challenged to achieve their capabilities to subsequently flourish.
Differentiation underpins teaching and learning at Berry Public School. Adjustments, made in response to student needs, ensure a holistic approach, rich learning environment and high expectations of achievement for all students. Always, we take the needs of the whole child – social, emotional, physical and academic – into consideration. At Berry Public School, you can be assured that your child, as an individual learner with unique strengths and needs, will be recognised, catered for, and nurtured.