Berry Public School

Growing In Knowledge

Telephone02 4464 1158

Homework Policy K-6


Although there is little consensus in literature as to whether homework raises student achievement there is some evidence that schools who do homework tend to be more successful. Staff at Berry Public School strongly believe homework has a positive impact on our cohort of students and their learning. Staff have found that homework has assisted in consolidating new skills, increase confidence and fluency in Reading, helped students develop self-motivating work patterns and routine, and has shown improvement in Mathematics and Spelling. The majority of the Berry Public School parent/carers and students either strongly agree or agree that they understand the benefits of homework.

Homework strengthens home and school links. It should be seen by teachers, students and parent/carers as a vital part of the home-school partnership and as an opportunity for parents to see how their child is progressing in their learning. Homework should also be achievable and relevant for the students. At Berry Public School most parents believe the amount of homework their child currently receives is ‘just the right amount’. 

Policy statement

The NSW Department of Education and Communities Homework Guidelines state that homework should be relevant to the needs of students, developed in consultations with key community stakeholders including parents/carers, students and teachers and communicated to all.

The aim of this policy is ensure that the expectations of homework at Berry Public School are effectively communicated and that there are clear roles and responsibilities of the students, teachers and parents/carers.


What constitutes are homework at Berry Public School:

Homework may include spelling, reading, or Mathematics practice and consolidation or projects based on topics being studied in class.

School Executive Responsibilities:

·         Ensure homework policy is communicated at time of student enrolment

·         Ensure homework is consistent across each stage and age appropriate

Teacher Responsibilities:

·         Inform parents/carers at the beginning of the year at the parent information night about the homework expectations and requirements including routines of when homework may be set and due and how parents and student can access assistance if needed

·         Send home a note (attachment A) at the beginning of the year outlining homework requirements and giving parents the option to support homework or opt out

·         Set homework that is relevant to students’ level of understanding, age and what they are currently learning about and in line with what the Stage has decided

·         Keep records of homework completion.

·         NOTE: it is not a requirement of a teacher to set work for a student who is on leave.

Parent/Carer Responsibilities:

·         Take an active interest in their child’s/children’s homework

·         Support their child in completing their homework

·         Assist teachers in monitoring homework and contact the class teacher if they believe their child is finding the homework unachievable or if they have concerns about their child’s approach to homework.

·         Encourage their child to organise their homework time to ensure quality homework is achieved within given time frames

·         Sign letter outlining homework expectations at the beginning of each school year to support homework or opt out.

·         Take responsibility for setting and providing additional homework for their child.

Student Responsibilities:

·         Listen to class teacher when homework is explained and ask if they are unsure of any expectations

·         Keep homework materials organised and return homework/readers on time

·         Complete homework within the set timeframe

·         Take responsibility for their homework, supported by their parents and caregivers

·         Seek assistance from class teacher when difficulties arise before the homework is due

Monitoring, evaluation and review

·         The homework policy will be in place from 2020 at Berry Public School.

·         School executive will be responsible for monitoring the policy execution.  

·         The homework policy will be reviewed and evaluated in 2025.

Key Documents

·         NSW Public Schools Homework Policy: Guidelines (NSW Department of Education and Communities, 2012)

·         Berry Public School Presentation PowerPoint from parent survey, staff survey and student survey results 2019 (server)

·         Homework: Primary (Evidence for Learning, 2019)