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Berry Public School

Berry Public School

Growing In Knowledge

Telephone02 4464 1158

Building Better Family Relationships

Caring and commitment are the basis of strong family relationships. This means making the wellbeing of family members a first priority and offering support when needed.


The following suggestions may be useful reminders:


Tune in

  • listen to what other family members have to say with interest and enthusiasm,

  • celebrate birthdays and achievements, and

  • taking the time to understand how other family members are feeling.


Have fun together

  • spend time doing things you enjoy, and

  • relax and play together.


Make time to talk

  • take time to talk with children after school or before bedtime, and

  • make time for adults to ‘check in’ with each other.


Appreciate differences

  • value and respect each family member’s unique needs, wants and talents, and

  • avoid negative comparisons.


Share the load

  • share the chores and make sure that everyone gets to have a say in the decisions that affect them.


Get support: family life has many challenges as well as rewards. Getting support when you need it (from extended family, friends, or professionals) is important for managing these challenges. Professional counselling is a particularly valuable strategy for helping many families who experience relationship problems.